In this article you will find all the necessary information on how to create a great start for your essay by using thesis statement examples. These are samples of outstanding works, which may greatly boost your productivity, help to find what to write about and impress the audience with ease.
Every paper starts with a thesis statement, especially if it is an academic assignment, like a research. It helps students to understand whether your paper will be useful and worth reading. It is a single sentence, which concentrates on the main features of your study. It includes the main idea and the most important questions, which you are going to answer throughout the paper.
Thesis statement is one of the most important aspects of your future research, so you should always take it seriously and pay careful attention to following all the guidelines and recommendations. Remember, the audience won’t read the text from cover to cover to understand key ideas and the main goal of your project: they will take a look at your thesis statement and introduction, and decide whether it is worth reading or not. That is why it will be fair to say that your thesis statement is the key to success of the whole paper!
How to write a great thesis statement
To get an image of what this sentence is about and how it needs to look like, you can search examples of thesis statements online. Luckily, there are thousands of them online not only to read but also to download. In such a way you can find different variants and adjust them to your topic and style. Another solution is to hire a writing company and pay for your thesis. An experienced writer will create an outstanding statement, which will surely attract interest of the reader.
However, you need to remember that not all of the samples online are good enough. They may be weak or not match your task. If you decide to use online samples, make sure they reflect the style of your work and its main purpose.
If you have a clear understanding about the main goals of the research and what you want to explain with it, it is quite easy to write a thesis statement. Simply note down main ideas of your research and make it look informative and interesting. Here are the best tips you can use:
- Your thesis statement must show that you are passionate about the subject. Let the audience know your position on the discussed matter, what you consider wrong and right, and what statements you are going to support. Especially if the topic you choose and its ideas are debatable and controversial. If the reader sees that you are motivated and have firm positions, he will most likely want to read about your ideas;
- Some tutors don’t support using questions in a thesis statement. Even if your research is filled with answers on concrete questions, there is no need to place a question in your introductory section. You shouldn’t use a list in your thesis. The best idea is to be brief and clear, conveying your thoughts in a simple sentence. It should describe the main idea and purpose of your study, so there is no need to be confusing;
- It is a good idea to use standard patterns, like ‘A is correct, because of B’ and others. The best solution here is to write down your first draft and revise it many times, depending on how much changes you are going to add to your text. When you start your paper with an introduction and a thesis statement, you risk rewriting it over and over again. That’s why many experienced writers prefer completing an introductory section only when all other paragraphs are finished. When you look at your project you have a chance to understand the key goal and convey it in your thesis statement;
- Always remain focused. You should never put irrelevant or not important information into your research. Many students think that the more words you add to your text, the more valuable it becomes. However, remaining specific and brief is a real art, and mastering it will greatly help you to share a clear and remarkable thesis. Rewrite it as many times as needed to achieve the best result!
- Your thesis should grab attention of the reader. If you want to engage the audience, there are two main elements, which may help: a great topic and a catchy thesis. They need to be relevant and disputable, and encourage the reader to learn more. Avoid being too categorical, giving the audience a chance to make up personal mind on the subject.
Looking for an example
Are you looking for a place to find examples of various thesis statements? Do you need to boost your imagination and see what other students include to their thesis? The best and simplest way is to look for them online, simply typing your requests, like ‘thesis statement samples’ or ‘where can I find examples of thesis statements?’ The best way is to get familiar with examples from the same area of studies, because you may find a thesis on your topic and simply paraphrase it, saving lots of time.
However, even if you find examples on topics from a completely different area, you can still get use of them, learning how to create an outstanding thesis statement for your essay, research or any other written assignment.
You need to keep in mind one important thing. All such examples are created only for you to get help in understanding the nature and whole point of a thesis statement. It is illegal to copy someone else’s thesis statements and to deliver them, as if you were the one to create them.
It is much better to devote some time and create a unique thesis, using good examples simply to learn how they are formed. If you decide to copy and paste someone’s thesis, you can be accused in plagiarism and get yourself into big troubles.
Modern tutors know how to use plagiarism programs or websites and regularly check, whether students complete assignments on their own. Do you really want to get a low grade or even to be suspended just because you have copied a thesis statement sample?
Need writing assistance?
Creating an outstanding thesis statement is crucial, because in a majority of cases it is setting tone for the whole paper and becomes a point, when the audience decides whether to go on reading or to put your work aside. However, many students find it very challenging and ask themselves where they can look for help.
First option is to ask for assistance of tutors, teachers and advisors. They can always give you a great advice, helping to shape an outline, to follow all the guidelines and to eliminate all the mistakes in the text. They can also guide you throughout the whole work, because they know the assignment better than the others. However, you can’t contact them many times, because they will think you are not professional enough.
There are also many students, who can help you to complete the assignment. You can try and ask them but there is no guarantee that your fellows will agree, especially because they also have multiple tasks to complete. If you decide to pay for such assistance, there is no guarantee that the result will be good. Unfortunately many modern students simply take money and never deliver the assignment or are always late. Do you want to risk your grades?
That is why the most reliable and fast way to get help with completing a thesis statement is to turn to professional writing services or to use a thesis generator. If you care about your grades and don’t want to leave anything to chance, you are in a right place!
We are a writing service, which can complete all sorts of academic assignments and thesis statements. With the help of our experts, you will obtain a first class paper without any delays.
For a cheap fee you will get an outstanding thesis and will be able to spend your free time the way you want. Place your order right now, indicate your requirements and let our experienced writers, editors and proofreaders work on your paper.