Students of various academic levels have to face a descriptive essay multiple times during a single course not depending on their major and subject. This essay is about summarizing and describing a particular topic. Luckily, it doesn’t require a comprehensive research or evaluation of collected information.
Moreover, such assignment is usually not longer than one page, so you won’t have to spend too much time. However, there are still many students, who don’t like the subject and prefer concentrating on more pleasant things. If you are one of them, you may need our simple but yet effective tips. In case you require additional help, just contact our professional writers and we will write your descriptive essay in a matter of hours.
Actually, a descriptive essay is probably the simplest assignment any student can get. You just need to use words to describe an event, a book, a person or any other matter instead of pictures. You can describe anything you feel, see, hear, taste or touch!
For example, if you are asked to describe a place, you need to express your thoughts, feelings and impressions about scenery, surrounding and any other important detail, even if it is a small house in your hometown.
How to create an outstanding descriptive essay: main types
To get started you should first know what you should write about. Here are the matters you may be asked to convey in your essay:
- Place. To describe a place properly you should first understand what you want to focus on. It can be a building, scenery, a particular place and so on. Then you should make a list of adjectives and language techniques to make the reader feel present;
- Person. It is quite difficult to describe a person, because you need to be very careful not to offend someone’s feelings. When writing an essay about a human being, you will need to tell about his actions, behavior, mood, personal qualities and appearance;
- Animal. Nature is amazing and you have a huge variety of animals, both domestic and wild ones, to discuss. Choose the one you like most of all and describe it. You can even tell how you associate it with your own personality;
- Event. Describe vacation, a rock concert, summer festival, trip to Europe, last Thanksgiving and any other memorable event you want to share;
- Behavior. It is a great way to show how different people act in the same situation or describe behavior of your friend/relative, which surprised you;
- Occupation. You can write about your dream job, which is a great way to train before completing an admission essay or getting ready for a job interview.
You need to remember that it is possible to explain literally anything, just make sure your writing skills allow that! In case you have any difficulties, you can always rely on professionals, who can write the paper for you and help in getting high grades.
100 descriptive topics any student will like!
If you were assigned to choose a topic on your own but you lack inspiration, don’t worry! Our experts have made a list of 100 topics, which will help any student to succeed. You can use them as examples to generate your own ideas or simple pick the one you like the most and proceed with writing!
You may feel tempted to describe multiple subjects at the same time, trying to show professor how intelligent and motivated you are. However, it is a big mistake and it is much better to concentrate on a single event, place or person. Draw a picture with words and you will definitely succeed!
Person essay topics
- Describe a teacher you like the most;
- Who would you choose: Cat Woman or Wonder Woman?
- What qualities make your boyfriend or girlfriend so important?
- What traits you love the most in your best friend?
- Who is your favorite villain? Why?
- Pick your favorite TV show character and describe him;
- Why Martin Luther King is so important for humanity?
- Describe your role model: a political figure, your friend, parents, movie director, actor, model, etc.;
- Provide a detailed description of one of your relatives;
- The most scary movie character you have ever seen;
- What was the last movie you have seen?
- What factors have the greatest influence on your personality?
- What makes up our beliefs?
- Why your favorite singer is better than others?
- Pick a US president you like the most and explain how he contributed to the society;
- Describe your behavior if you see your favorite actor passing by;
- Make a description of a person you hate;
- What makes your dad the best father in the world;
- What traits should a best friend possess?
- Who are your enemies and why?
- Why your mother is better than others?
- What things make Abraham Lincoln an important figure in the US history?
- How a top model looks like nowadays;
- Who is your favorite entrepreneur and why;
- Does friendship between a man and a woman exist?
Place essay topics
- Describe your favorite fictional place;
- What is a perfect place for a birthday party?
- Explain how you can get to the closest train station;
- Describe benefits living in your country compared to other countries;
- How you feel, when you visit places of your childhood?
- What are Seven World Wonders?
- What place could become eights World Wonder?
- What place would you choose for a rock concert?
- A place you have visited with your parents;
- Which was the most beautiful garden you have ever been to?
- Describe your educational institution;
- Which is the best place in the world?
- Make a detailed description of your house;
- Where would you go during your next vacation and why?
- How does a perfect location for a moody autumn evening look like?
- The best location for cold winter days;
- How should perfect campus rooms look like?
- What was the loudest place you have ever been to?
- Why Melbourne is called the heart of the country although it is not a capital?
- Why your hometown is always in your heart no matter where you go?
- Make a list of countries you’d like to go to;
- What is the best place for retirement?
- Where would your wedding ceremony take place?
- What is your favorite location in your country?
- Where you can see the best woods in the whole world?
Memory essay topics
- How can you describe memories, which you associate with a deceased person you loved?
- What was the worst experience of your life?
- Describe all the emotions you felt during your first day at high school;
- Create a mind map to show readers your thoughts and past experience;
- Do you remember your first date?
- What did you like most of all about your last vacation?
- Describe the best day you have ever had, using examples, comparisons and vivid lexis;
- How you feel, when you need to visit a funeral?
- Things you remember about your last birthday;
- Why it is useful to have a diary?
- How did you feel, when seeing snow for the first time?
- Things you love to do with grandparents;
- What are the events from your high school or college life, which you are proud of?
- Describe the first time you fell in love;
- Do you remember the day, when a minor thing greatly changed your looks on life?
- What things children memorize better?
- How you feel, when you go hiking?
- Do you enjoy driving a car?
- Describe your last trip overseas;
- Share emotions about talking to a foreigner in another language;
- How you feel during important tests and exams?
- What sorts of events scare you?
- Describe a situation, which made you cry from laughter;
- Provide details about visiting Washington;
- Describe memories, dear to your heart.
Object essay topics
- Describe your neighbor’s house in details;
- What is your family relic and why?
- Describe a thing, which has saved your life and had impact on other situations, which happened with you or the people you love;
- What was the best birthday gift you have ever received?
- Describe an object, which you really wanted and was ready to steal, because you didn’t have enough funds to pay for it;
- What is the most expensive book you have ever purchased?
- Describe one of the latest innovation technologies and explain why it is so important for our future development and growth;
- Provide a detailed description of your bedroom;
- What are the things, which make your favorite toy so special?
- How your favorite book has influenced you?
- Why tamagochi was so important for its owners?
- Real cost of supermarket vegetables;
- What are the things in our lives, which money can change?
- What is the main thing every student needs to remember, when writing an essay about oneself?
- Describe time and distant from a physical point of view;
- Valuable relicts from Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt we all should learn about;
- Are there any icons in your home? Describe them;
- Describe your favorite construction or building;
- Cultural value of Egyptian pyramids;
- Planets of the Solar System;
- Role of Bible in your life;
- How to choose a convenient bed;
- Why appropriate outfit is so important?
- Describe a car of your dreams;
- What thing you would take with you on a desert island?
If you have doubts, which of the topics you would like to write about, you can look at examples of descriptive essays and decide which of them you like the most!
Tips on writing a great descriptive essay
The structure of your future essay will greatly depend on the topic you choose. Luckily, you don’t have to strictly follow chronology if you are writing about an object or person. You also don’t need to conduct a thorough research, because descriptive essay is more about emotions than about facts.
In order to succeed, take a separate piece of paper and make five columns, reflecting five different senses. They include sight, taste, touch, sound and smell. Divide all your associations with the topic into these five columns. This will help you to introduce the reader to your world and give a brighter picture of the discussed matter. Remember, a good descriptive essay always appeals to all of the five senses, so you shouldn’t neglect any of them.
Don’t forget to write an outline. It is a great way to simplify the writing process and always have a thing to write about. An outline is a plan of actions, which contains a list of the things you are willing to discuss.
There is no difference, whether you are a school student or a college graduate: your essay should consist of five paragraphs. Luckily, such creative essays are rarely limited with a required size, so you can make your text longer simply by using imagination.
A common structure of such essay consists of an introduction, three to five main paragraphs and a conclusion. Luckily, you don’t need to make a reference page and simply add in-text citations if the story really requires them.
You should also pay attention to multiple descriptive essay samples, presented online and never neglect advice of experienced writers and tutors. Our experts say that the best way to create a great essay is to choose a topic you are genuinely interested in. Always brainstorm even if you think the topic is boring or complicated. You will surely see the solution and find things, which make the matter worth your attention!
Be original, always save drafts and remember that your essay will reflect your personality and thoughts. So make it bright, vivid and catchy!
What you should keep in mind
- Always start with a planning stage. Do you have a mental picture of a thing you are planning to describe? Pay attention to all the information or sources you have to decide whether they give you enough material for the chosen topic. Remember, having personal experience on the subject is always a great plus. Listen attentively to your five senses, when working on an essay. Then proceed with creating an outline of the future work;
- Getting started. Begin your essay with a hook to catch attention of the reader. It can be a metaphor, a quote from a book or a part of celebrity’s speech, jokes, interesting statistics, etc.
- Make a draft. When working on the first sample of your descriptive essay you don’t need to pay careful attention to every word you write. Just put down all the words, which appear in your hand. Later you will have a chance to fix all the mistakes and structure your paper thoroughly. Don’t forget to build a clear image of what you want to describe, as it will make the process easier;
- Use online dictionaries and paper vocabularies. We may not use complicated and sophisticated adjectives in real life but you will surely need them, when describing something. Don’t be afraid to play with various adverbs, comparisons and other elements. They will enrich your language and make it brighter;
- Check and analyze your descriptive essay, using online checkers. When you have a ready paper, you need to check it using multiple programs. Make sure that all the sentences are organized and have a clear structure. Add transition words where necessary and structure all the used sources according to the required formatting style. Check your teacher’s instructions over and over again until you are sure that your essay follows them from A to Z;
- Edit your paper. After checking its structure, you need to edit it thoroughly to make sure there are no spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Your language should be flawless and if you are not sure that you can cope with this stage, ask your friends or family members to help. They will give your essay a side glance and help to improve it.
Once the final draft is ready, staying in touch with professional writers or tutors is a big plus. Your paper will be thoroughly checked and all the mistakes eliminated. You need to evaluate your work, marking even the slightest mistake and remain objective. Proofread your essay, fix possible mistakes and add elements if your paper misses details and depth. Try to answer the following questions:
- What revision elements I have used?
- Did I provide my readers with enough information and details to get a clear and full picture of the matter?
- Could I miss important but small details during my description?
- Did I use all the five senses to describe my topic thoroughly?
- Is there unnecessary information, which can be easily deleted or replaced by more important details?
- Does every section highlight each part of the description?
- Did I manage to organize all the paragraphs in an efficient way? Do they interlink with each other with the help of transition words?
Do you want professional writers to help you fix all the mistakes? Students usually have too many assignments and need to combine them with work or other activities. We want to offer you a great opportunity to manage all the tasks and have fun, spending time the way you want.
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