Students of all academic levels are often assigned with persuasive essays, which aim to convince the opponent that your point of view is correct. That is why you not only need to master writing and persuasive skills but also to choose persuasive essay topics properly.
Only a catchy, controversial and modern topic will give you a chance to stir up interest of the reader and make him want to listen to your point of view.
Find the most suitable ideas for your outstanding performance
We have made a list of 101 topics, which can be an outstanding source of inspiration not depending whether you are a high-school, a college or a university student. These topics will give you ideas you have been longing for. In case you don’t want to complete the task on your own, you can always turn to our writers. We have the best experts on the market, which can not only choose an outstanding topic but also provide you with tips and great pieces of advice.
At first glance, persuasive essays are quite similar to argumentative ones. However, the key difference is that in an argumentative essay you need to discuss all sides of the matter, while in a persuasive essay you need to make the reader accept your point of view. You need to concentrate on your perspective, keeping opposite thoughts aside or simply destroying them with strong argumentation.
100 simple topics for your persuasive essay
- Internet is changing our lives;
- Parents need to check their children’s bags for drugs;
- Parents are the one to provide their children with healthy nutrition;
- People younger than 21 can drink alcohol under parents supervision;
- Parents should be imprisoned for their children’s illegal actions;
- Breastfeeding needs to be allows in different public places;
- Boys and girls should have separate classrooms;
- French fries should be added to school cafeterias;
- Soda should be prohibited;
- There is no place for advertisements at school;
- Modern rating system is too demanding.
Topics of mediocre difficulty
- Former prisoners should have a right to vote;
- The drinking age should be higher than 21;
- Creation of jobs due to decrease of federal corporate tax rate;
- Replacement of BCS by college football with playoff;
- Should Cuban embargo be maintained by the US?
- Should churches remain tax-free?
- Is it possible for alternative sources of energy to replace fossil fuels?
- Ban of animal-testing;
- Influence of ACLU on America.
Difficult topics
- Should illegal immigrants be imprisoned and forced to pay for up keeping?
- Should every citizen have a right to defend oneself?
- How can Israeli-Palestinian conflict be solved?
- Ban of same-sex marriages by the supreme court;
- Should adults be allowed to have an electroshock weapon?
- Euthanasia must be legalized;
- We are the one to blame for climate change;
- Death sentence is also a crime;
- Sex determination is happening at an early childhood.
Persuasive essay topics for college students
- Are both genders equally represented in politics?
- Does text messaging make it harder to concentrate?
- Textbooks need to be replaced with iPads;
- Theft of personal data is one of the biggest issues;
- Domestic terrorism is a problem for modern America;
- Should girls have the same representation in football and wrestling teams?
- Social networks must be prohibited in schools and colleges;
- Recycling should be regulated by laws;
- How can we fight against cyber-attacks;
- Should border fences be placed everywhere?
- How to secure oneself, when posting anything on social media?
Topics for Bachelor’s level
- Olympic Games facilities shouldn’t be built near UNESCO protected areas;
- People with higher education should volunteer to teach others literacy;
- Art and music should be banned to calm imprisoned people;
- The United Nations are no longer effective;
- Teen mothers should be encouraged to get married during high school years;
- All future parents should take parenting lessons;
- A Health Insurance Program needs to be required by constitution;
- Psychiatrists must be present at court, when a defendant is facing a non-guilty-by-instanity-reasons plea;
- There should be no billboards on highways;
- Patients with chronic mental diseases should live is special communities;
- How middle class suffers from the tax system;
- Every dish in a fast food restaurant should have a written calorie amount.
Topics for Master’s level
- Societies shouldn’t rely solely on ethics codes;
- Wealth is another side of benefiting from hard work of other people;
- Truth is always universal;
- Ethics is something that we get from our parents;
- We must turn to God in the world with so much evil;
- God is alive;
- Happiness lies in helping others. If you are selfish, you will hardly be happy;
- Genetics has a huge deal in how we behave;
- Genetic engineering should improve intelligence;
- Selfishness is not a bad treat and must be encouraged;
- Can sexual motives define our behavior?
- Good and evil don’t exist.
Humorous topics
- What happens if monkeys rule the world?
- Being a Barbie in real life totally ruined it;
- How to seem busy at the office without doing anything;
- How to seem sporty?
- Fears of Mickey Mouse;
- Playing Lego will change you;
- Braces are a great tool of scaring a passersby;
- Things to love in spam emails;
- Skills in video games can make you a millionaire;
- Who uses tanning booths on the beach?
- Why people always cheer for a predator, which attacks people in TV shows?
- What is the most awful song of all the times?
- Why I detest hip-hop songs;
- Where do all the rejected hide?
Controversial topics
- Getting sperm from dead relatives should be considered illegal;
- The word could be a better place without educated women;
- Benefits of GMO;
- Parents should have a certificate to be able to have children;
- Ban of contraception for children;
- Torture must be prohibited;
- Ban of biological weapon;
- Should judges have all the power instead of juries?
- There should be no warrants for seizures;
- Influence of lesbian mothers on their daughters;
- Should polygamy be banned?
- What makes US society as it is?
- Why bailing out new financial establishments is not a proper use of tax money?
Additional topics
- Should men also have implanted means of contraception?
- There is no such thing as religion freedom in most of the countries;
- Why dogs are better than cats;
- Parents need to discuss drug issues at an early age;
- What every family needs to know about survival during natural disasters;
- Grades at schools should be eliminated;
- We should inhabit moon and establish a new community there;
- Should children be paid for doing the chores?
- Why we need to study first aid and self-protection at schools.
What we learn from persuasive essay writing
Such assignments help us to critically evaluate topics and ideas, which we don’t pay attention to in real life. Debates are always considered one of the motivational factors of changes, which allow us to grow and develop, improving our personality and thoughts.
That is why writing such a paper allows students to boost imagination and open up completely new worlds. Using one of the above topics will help you to complete a great persuasive essay and improve your writing skills.
If you want us to help you with the task, just place your order and get professional assistance at once.