A speech is one of the most difficult types of assignments, as it involves not only analysis of data but lots of persuasive skills, mastering body language and knowing dress code peculiarities. Speech is a performance, which is used to convey your ideas to the audience, speaking about the matter and not just handing it on paper.
We have collected the most popular tips, which our experts use during their own performances and speeches. Mastering them you will learn all the secrets for outstanding results, high grades and fighting your own fears.
Choose the main topic
Avoid putting too many thoughts and topics into your performance. Statistics shows that the audience remembers little information from a speech, so you just need to supply them with one or two main ideas. Remember, your speech must be short, as you have only a few minutes to impress the audience.
Write, as if you are talking
You should always remember that your speech is not a report or essay. People want to hear you talk, so the more casual it will sound, the greater results will be. Here are the most important tips:
- Your sentences should be short. Always remember a simple rule: it s better to make two short sentences instead of one long;
- Don’t forget to use contractions. For example, ‘we’re’, ‘I’m’, etc.
- Avoid complicated words. Try to be clear in what you say and don’t use lexis, which you usually don’t use in regular life;
- There is no need to follow all the English grammar rules. Unlike an essay, your sentences don’t need to be full or contain a proper word order;
- After writing down your speech, read it aloud. It will help you to detect whether you sound bookish or not.
Use examples and be specific
People are more interested to hear concrete words instead of boring general sentences. Try to be more specific, when conducting your speech and you will see how interested the audience will become.
Collect credible information
If you want people to listen to you, you need to make them believe you know the topic really well. This means that you should do a thorough research beforehand. For example, if you want to speak about the harm of pollution and necessity of replacing fuel-run cars with electricity ones, it will be a great idea to collect background information. It may include the quantity of sold cars for the past year, rates of pollution and other important facts.
Luckily, there are thousands of topics and matters you can discuss during your speech. You can choose the one you are interested in and it will help you to remain motivated. However, how is it possible to choose a right topic? The best advice is to listen to yourself and choose an issue, which you are passionate about.
It can be environment, ways of stopping wars, preventing bullying at schools and much more. Remember, the topic you choose should be a reflection of your personality and describe what you truly care about.
‘Problem-solution’ structure
If you want to persuade the audience and make it accept your point of view, you should turn to a widely accepted structure. In the first part you explain what the problem is about and why it is so terrible and important. In the second part you offer ways of improving the situation.
A great tool will be using facts and statistics, quotes of popular and respected people.
Remain simple
Once you have completed your speech’s draft, get back to it and see whether you can make it shorter. Such an approach helps to make your speech more clear. Simplify your work and you will see a better response of the audience.
The last but not the least advice is to always enjoy the process, because it is the only way to show your confidence, passion and motivation. Good luck!